Our Journey
Toiling for Revival for the past 42 years

About our Revival Ministries
We have been praying for revival in India since 1978 from the inception of this ministry. Standing in the Gap prayer cells were formed and India revival prayer was intensified. Missionaries are beginning to be supported to bring a spiritual transformation in North India. Since 2005 we intensified our prayers focussing on Tamil Nadu. The Lord gave three commandments on this – Cover the nation with prayer, Fill the nation with the word of God and Inherit the nation. Blessing Prayer Journey was organised in 2005 for 40 days. Simultaneously 40 days fasting prayer was conducted at Tabernacle of God at Nalumavadi. After 3 years of continuous revival prayer, hundreds of thousands of people in India were revived spiritually. Secondly we spread the nation with the word of God printing hundreds of thousands of tracts and distributed all over India.
Watchmen Prayer for India
Since 2002, Watchmen of India prayer has been held regularly. Nowadays, it has been conducted daily except Sundays at TOG. Standing in the Gap Prayer Conference has been organised since 2006 to ignite revival prayer in believers lives. The Lord joined Prophet of God Bro Vincent Selvakumar with us from this camp.The Lord instructed to intensify revival prayer with new programme in 2012.

Revival Prayer Meetings
12 hours fasting prayer was conducted in Nagercoil attended by over 40,000 souls. The Lord revealed through Bro Vincent Selvakumar on those things going to happen in the districts. National Prayer Coordination Committee led by Bro Patrick Joshua joined us at this juncture. In culmination, a quarter million people gathered for such prayer at Chennai in January 2012
In 2013, 24 hours revival fasting prayer was conducted in Trichy, India in which over 20,000 people participated. In 2014, Tamil Nadu was grouped into five zones and Standing in the Gap Prayer Conference was held in each zone. 200 thousand people gathered in 2015 in Chennai in one of such revival prayer meetings.
Revival Prayer Conference
As burdened by the Lord, Revival Prayer Conference were conducted for Church Pastors in 2015 in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Jharkhand states of India. The company of Rev I Ratnam Paul at this juncture was a great blessing. The Lord gave a plan to pray for the churches – One Herd One Shepherd. A special 12 hours fasting prayer was held for ECI pastors and believers setting them ablaze on revival fire. As the Holy Spirit proclaimed to intensify prayer as the time of revival is closing in, 40 days Prayer Journey was undertaken in 2016 with our staff and chosen prayer warriors. Consequently, revival seed was sown into 400 thousand believers who decided to pray from 5 to 6 am daily. Around 1600 Church pastors resolved to pray together on Saturday nights.

Revival Fasting Prayer
As Holy Spirit proclaimed 7 days Delhi Fasting Prayer Journey was organised to pray for the security of the city, political climate and revival of all churches. All 7 days fasting prayers were held in coordination with local churches. Blessed Kanyakumari Festival was conducted with the leading of the Lord in 2018 resulting in reviving the lives of the believers. 12 hours Fasting Prayers were held at Telangana, Karnataka and Maharashtra states and the revival seed was sown in the believers. Under Blessed Karnataka vision, entire state was covered by Prayer Journey two time since 2018. Recently the Lord enabled us to conduct prayer walks in 9000 villages of this state of India.
Revival Prayer Journey
In the Level one of Revival Prayer Journey and Fasting Prayers were held in 2019 covering Tamil Nadu, 65 believers travelled in buses across the state and covered the places with their prayers. In the Level two, all southern states of India were covered by 85 prayer warriors in two buses. In the final Level, 112 prayer warriors journeyed from Kanyakumari to Kashmir visiting key cities on the way. Around 82 000 kilometre distance was covered in Prayer Journey inside this state

Training Camp
Over 6000 people have been trained to live, pray and minister like Lord Jesus through Jesus Ministry Training Camp since 2007. Envisioning raising an army to war against and destroy the powers of darkness almost 6800 people were raised through Army of God Camps since 2015. To raise the carriers of the good news, Evangelists Training Camps were conducted and around 3800 people were sent out to spread the gospel. Realising the vision of spreading the revival among people of all walks, the Lord was gracious enough to hold special gatherings for professional of diverse fields like teachers, policemen, farmers, medical fraternity, judiciary, auto drivers, film industry, labourers, traders, politicians and technocrats to lead them to salvation and form prayer groups.
Prayer walks
All Night Prayers was conducted at the sea shore in Kanyakumari in 2020. Many southern district believers participated in it in the mighty move of the Holy Spirit. Almost 2000 villages of Karnataka State were covered by Prayer Walks in 2020.
Ministers Revival Vision Conferences
Ministers Revival Vision Conferences were held in one place each for the Seven zones of Tamil Nadu India in which all the participants received the revival vision.

Revival Visionary Ministries
As the Lord Holy Spirit urged to join hands with revival visionary ministries, from 1988, Fasting Camp has been held biannually for more than 32 years in Tirupatur, Tamil Nadu, India along with Bro Sam Jebadurai, Bro Ebenezer Paul, Bro GPS Robinson, Bro Vincent Raj. Thousands of prayer warriors and servants of God have arisen through this. Since 1990, in partnership with Shalom Mission Ministries, efforts have been taken for the revival of Bhil tribal community who live across Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh sponsoring 84 missionaries, 50 Bhil tribal children and building 180 village church buildings and Bhil Ministers Family Gatherings were held to encourage them in Ministry.
Revival Village Missionary Movement
Village Missionary Movement based in Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu India is another partner Ministry organisation in spreading the revival supporting 450 of their village missionaries. Upon the invitation of the Bishop in Tirunelveli diocese Tamil Nadu India, 3 days Fasting Prayer as well as Ministers of God Gathering are conducted since 2002. Not only this, Thoothukkudi Nazareth Diocese, ECI Churches, Pentecostal Synod, War on Kneel and National Prayer Coordination are some of our partnering Ministry organisations.

Revival Prayer Tour to Israel
When the Lord proclaimed that the role of Israel is vital in the end time revival, Revival Prayer Tour to Israel is being organised since 2016. Every November we visit Israel to fast and pray for 7 days.
Following schemes were started to Spread the Revival Fire
Our Goal
We are striving to spread the fire across the world and by preparing Tamil Christian Churches in worldwide in fasting prayer and Crusades.